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Get up to ₦300k Loan Today | Repay in 3 - 12 months with palm credit


Palm credit is one of the online leading loan facilities that gives loans as high as 300k without paperwork all you need to do is just fill in your correct details with your BVN number that all it requires. But one important thing is that you must always pay the loan before the due date so as to keep good credit scores, failure to do that will affect your credit score and also you may not be given another loan for months. Note if you fail to pay your loan in due time there is a penalty attached to it which is not favorable 

Pros and Cons of Palmcredit

There are no online loan applications without its own disadvantages and one of the major disadvantages of palm credit is that they might just disappoint when you needed them the most, this is no assumption I personally have experienced this before and I can boldly say that have not for once defaulted any of the loan payment, most times I pay back my loan a week after I have collected the loan but on this faithful day, I dashed to their loan app to request for a loan but I was shocked to my bone marrow when I got the reply that there is no loan for me at the moment I was so pissed out to the extent that I went on ranting on their Facebook page and even put a call through to them but to no avail.
But the main advantage of palm credit is that the loan process is no as rigorous as some other online loan facility that you might even question yourself why you downloaded the app in the first place at the end of it you would be getting 2000 or 1500 Naira loan with crazy interest.

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