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Facebook account hacked and locked

How your Facebook account was hacked?

Some people might be wondering how their Facebook account was hacked with all the security measure that Facebook has put in place to secure it from being hacked. I would be listing 4 ways hackers got to hacked your Facebook account. 

Ways hacker hacked your Facebook account

Clicking shortened linked: ignorance and free things like Data, free airtime, Canada visa link and other unbeatable offers are one of the factors that let gullible people lost their account, most of the times hackers would create phishing links and spread it on social media mostly on WhatsApp where they start forwarding it from one individual to another, writing a misleading description like click and win free ‘’Canada visa’’ or ‘’get 24gig worth of data’’ once you click these links and  it connects to the internet without your knowledge it sends your Facebook ID and password to the hacker allowing them to have full access to your account. The best advice when you see such link just ignore them.
Using a public computer: This is another way your account can be hijacked. When you use a public computer to access the internet and you forgot to logout and also clear the history, an unknown person can just log in and change your data. That is why it is advisable to always use the Incognito mode to browse when using a public computer to access the internet. Incognito mode is available on all browser be it Chrome, Firefox, Opera and so on.
Using a modded version of the Facebook app: We all love customization and extra effect on our social media app and this has made most of us dump the native Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and other social media original application and go for the modded version, but what we don’t know is that most of these apps have hidden code embedded in them to sniff out our data’s and send it to the creator of the modded application, this is one of the reason why WhatsApp tried to stop its users from using modded version of WhatsApp  not only that once you install these apps you have indirectly given it permission to your phone records and personal credentials. So I would advise you to always download the original version especially if you are using your social media accounts for business purpose.
Spam e-mails:  most people don’t know why email service provider like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hot Mail and others have created the spam section. Spam section is meant for untrusted emails send from untrusted servers and individual it is now left for you to verify the mail if it from a trusted client or individual. So if you receive an email that says ‘’your Facebook password has been reset” the first thing you need to do is check the senders address, once you checked it and it is not related to Facebook just ignore it or better still log in to your Facebook account directly and check the activities.
How to protect your Facebook account?
To be on a safer side link your Facebook account to your mobile number so when there is an illegal activity going on in your account you can be notified if your data is down, you can easily receive sms notification and take the necessary steps and also make your mobile number hidden
When logging in from a public or a friend smartphone or computer make sure you make use of the incognito mode in case you forgot to clear the history it automatically clear it once you close the tab and the app.


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