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5 Reasons why you must use Piggybank in 2020

As we all know that Piggyvest is not a new player in the online digital savings and digital bank yes digital bank with your BVN link to Piggyvest you can receive money and transfer fund to any bank account, this is made possible with Providus and online Bank mostly used by online savings such as piggyvest and Cowywise, hopefully, more features will be introduced to the platform. As they paid over 17billion was securely and successfully paid back to savers and with more than 500,000 download on play store alone.
Here are the Top 5 Reasons why you should save with Piggyvest
Unbeatable Interest: who doesn’t want to earn mouthwatering interest which can only be given to you by Piggyvest, you can get as high as 15% interest on their safe lock plan and 10% on other products such as target savings, flex Dollar, piggybank and so on.
Awesome user interface: kudos need to be given to both their front and back end guys who have worked greatly to give us such an awesome app which is available both on iOS and Google play store
Fast Response: When it comes to reply customer and providing solutions they are really trying both on an offline especially in their social media account. They respond to their customer complain swiftly unlike let me not mention names.
Secure payment Gateway: we all hate stories that touches the heart especially when it comes to money. Their payment gate way is very secure as you can be rest assured that your account can’t be debited without your authorization
Security: Piggyvest is a product of microfinance bank policy of the CBN. However, the funds are held in UBA which is a registered bank with CBN which is insured by NDIC to ensure you don’t lose your hard earn cash


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